Wednesday, May 6, 2009

designer Stage-video, rough edit2

I have edited a little more, not anything with color correction though. but have tried to smooth some transitions out from last video and created a 16:9 ratio for the whole video. 

I have compressed the video from an HD 1080 x 720 (600 MB) to an 8.1 MB film to be able to post on blogger. 

Once I get credits at the end I'll be able to post it on and it will be better video quality. But for now this is what I have.


Charlotte said...

Thank you for working with the footage and tightening-up the transitions. Don't worry about the quality of the up-loaded video (this is perfect for this stage).
I think you are getting caught-up in a product delivery mode. Don't worry about completing the video--try working with one or two shots and really taking them to the next level. Adjust colors, contrast, all that jazz.
The catch is that the footage you shot is not designed (video is a subtractive medium--you have to reduce what the camera captures in order to focus the viewer's eye). For example, when the young woman goes running, you framed the shot like a bullseye. Try things like framing your subject against a sky (get that camera low and shoot from a distance). Or, find backdrops that are non-competitive (like a solid color wall, or all green trees, etc.). It's all the same techniques as photography.
If you have access to a camera (even a simple one on a point-and-shoot digital) try shooting the running scene again... frame it so that the young woman is the focus.

Unknown said...

So what are you trying to say with this video?
Just a direct interpretation of the song?

Normally music videos aim to be a thing where neither the music nor the video could be apart from one another and it still be the same. The song should take the video so this level it couldn't otherwise, and vice versa. I don't know if yours is that yet. I think that's a conceptual issue though.

I think your edit is a little better, and its nicer that we have the sound in, but now you need to edit on beats. Your cuts need to fall on beats, your transitions need to fall on beats.

If you're trying to make this like film, look and act like film, it needs to be cut like film. That means not hardly as many masks as you're layering. So just something to consider.

I agree with charlotte. Compress this to one scene or, or sequence, and mess with the color to really improve it. You can push this so much in post to get it to a new level.

First things you should worry about:
levels, gamma range, 3 way color correction, tinting, and contrast.

Also, remember to deinterlace your footage when you export.

I agree with charlotte in that you need to reshoot some things so there aren't distracting elements in the background.

theHuskey said...

Thanks for the comments, they are real helpful.

I will take one scene and try to color correct it to make it more aesthetically pleasing and tie it together more with the viewer.

I will also reshoot some scenes to try and bring the focus of the subject out and more clear with a plain BG so its not as distracting.

also, yes it is just a literal interpretation of the video. I realize thats not really the norm but it was just my conceptual idea and I decided to go with it because I felt it could have been a strong enough idea to carry it.

and yeah I will go through and make those corrections on one scene, or maybe 2 and post that soon and see what you guys think.